HomePage Information About Us

For Parents:

Welcome to our website! Here, we encourage kids in elementary and middle school to reuse, reduce, and recycle in their daily lives by providing them information about this topic. The website features numerous games and animations which ultimately motivates them to practice these three things in their day to day life. We hope your kids enjoy our informational website! To learn more, visit the About Us tab.

For Students:

Hey guys! Our website contains a bunch of games for you to enjoy. We hope you guys learn more about reducing, reusing, and recycling! There are many videos for you all to enjoy too.

Waste is anything that we get rid of, throw away, or do not use and waste can affect the environment in many different ways. The environment includes everything around you such as plants, water, air, land, and much more. It is important for the environment to be healthy and being responsible with waste is one way you can help the Earth. To help protect the environment from waste, you can practice something called the three R's of waste management. The three R's stand for reduce, reuse, and recycle. Keep reading to learn all about how you can reduce, reuse, and recycle to help the environment.

Informational Videos


To play the game below: press the space bar to start, block the crab from getting to the crumpled paper by hovering over it with your mouse. Click the crumpled paper to get a point!